Information surrounding the character of Priya (Fiona Wade) has indeed surfaced on STV's Emmerdale, as she apparently won't be following through with termination of her pregnancy and wants to keep David's offspring.

The decision will come following Alicia (Natalie Anderson) finding Priya ill and sees that she hasn't gotten an abortion. When David (Matthew Wolfenden) informs his weeping ex that he wants the baby and will be there for her, she concurs.

Wade spoke to Radio Times on Nov. 12 about the change of heart, and why her character agreed with David.

"I do feel sorry for Priya. We've all been through heartbreak and I wouldn't wish what she's been through to anyone. She really wanted the marriage with David and now she's lost him. I'll always defend Priya because I love her character. She's very vulnerable," she said.

The 34-year-old went on to justify Priya's motives, stating that she needs to have control in lieu of her loneliness issues.

"She's still in love with David and this is a way of keeping a part of him in her life. It's a control thing, This is something that she can give David that Alicia can't. And that makes Priya feel better," she said.

STV's Emmerdale airs on Monday thru Fridays at 7pm in the U.K. Be sure to keep checking back for more info on the popular soap.

Emmerdale slideshow and Nov. 15 spoilers!

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