American Idol Jessica Sanchez Bad Song Choice Likely to Affect Votes [VIDEO]
American Idol judges were disappointed at Jessica Sanchez' final song Tuesday night during the season's finals, starting a debate on whether she will be able to get enough votes to win the competition.
Her choice of a pop ballad called "Change Nothing" on the third round was strongly criticized by the judges. None of them liked the song and Steven Tyler went for Phillip Phillips' "Home" song instead.
TV critics echoed the judges as well as many on American Idol's Facebook community.
"It was an unfortunate final performance by Jessica Sanchez and viewers could see the regret on Jessica's face as soon as she finished singing. The judges all agreed that Jessica did herself no favors with such a vanilla song choice," noted American Idol writer Jodi Bradbury for the Christian Science Monitor.
"Contrast that [Phillips' "Home"] to Jessica’s “Change Nothing.” In fact, the consensus was that she should have changed everything, especially the song," wrote Craig Berman for Today's The Clicker.
"It was a tough finish for Jessica on a night when the judges otherwise thought better of her, " Berman added.
"Though she's got just as much magnetism as Flannel Phil, Sanchez's performances were on the whole less captivating than his — especially the final songs of the evening, those picked as potential singles for the singers," Pop & Hiss, the L.A. Times Music Blog wrote.
On Facebook, viewers were also disappointed.
"Jessica is a great singer but by her song choice, I really don't hink she knows herself as an artist yet," one person said.
"She has the pipes! But she'll need a better song to start with," said another one.
On the same round, Phillips performed his original high-energy march song earning a standing ovation from everyone in the studio the judges included.
Tyler predicted he was "the" man to win Idol.
Still fans seem to remain faithful to their idols. Sanchez' fans say she deserves to win because she sings better than Phillips while Phillips' fans say he deserves to win because he is a true artist.
Watch Sanchez' "Change Nothing":