"Human Barbie" Sarah Burge, 51, was kicked out from Anderson Cooper's show on Tuesday after the talk-show host told her she was "dreadful."

Cooper cut the interview after a heated exchange with the self-proclaimed "Human Barbie" about her 15-year-old daughter's sweating issue.

Burge encouraged her teenage daughter to get Botox on her forehead to avoid sweating on stage. She said she would help her daughter obtain Botox illegally through a "voodoo witch doctor."

"Not on stage. You wouldn't see Beyonce sweating on the stage," Burge said. "That's what my daughter said. She didn't want to sweat on stage."

At that moment, Copper was on his limit.

"I honestly have nothing more to talk to you about. I got to be honest. I got to just stop. I’m sorry. I try to be really polite to all my guests, I just think you’re dreadful and I honestly don’t want to talk to you anymore, Cooper told Burge.

She answered "That's fine" and left the stage. Then when a camera tried to film her close she hit it.

Cooper regreted having her on the show.

"I regret having her on in the first place and I regret that that's how things ended," he said.

The talk-show host questioned Burge for giving her 8-year-old daughter Poppy "plastic surgery bouchers" on her 7th birthday and for releasing to the press photos of the girl dancing on a stripper pole.

Burge has reportedly spent between $500,000 to $800,000 in plastic surgeries and according to Cooper's show holds the Guinness Record for the most plastic surgeries in a person.

In January, Burge made headlines when she gave her daughter a $7,000 (pounds) voucher for liposuction.

"She asks for surgery all the time. She wants to look good and lipo is one of those procedures that will always come in handy," she told the Daily Mail.

"I see these vouchers as investing in her future, like saving money for her education."

Last year, she boasted she gave a $6,000 (pounds) boucher to her daughter to have breast enlargement.

"Poppy begged me for a boob job, so I gave her the voucher so she can have it after she's 16, when it's legal," she told Closer magazine.

"If she develops naturally big boobs, she can have something else done with it."

On that same day, she hosted a party for Poppy and her friends where they all had makeovers, dressed up with fake tattoos, drank fake champagne. Poppy wore makeup for that party.

"Girls don't want Snow White and Cinderella any more.
'They want to be WAGs and famous like Cheryl Cole and Lady Gaga. I'm just supporting her and making her dreams come true," Burge told the Daily Mail.

Watch the Heated Exchange with Cooper Below:
