Wednesday night's episode of American Horror Story: Coven will feature the death of two major characters.

The next episode of American Horror Story: Coven is titled Head and will include a lot of death. According to a Wednesday report by E! Online, two major characters will die in the episode in addition to several other minor characters.

The report promises that one major death is very violent, while the other is difficult to watch for different reasons. Additionally, the immortal Madame LaLaurie's (Kathy Bates) head will not be reuniting with her body again in this episode.

The episode will be focused on Hank (Josh Hamilton) the witch hunter, delving into his backstory for the first time. Hank reports to his CEO father, where he learns the truth about his wife Cordelia's (Sarah Paulson) blinding.

Meanwhile, Myrtle Snow (Frances Conroy) finally confronts her former Council members who were so quick to burn her at the stake. However, Myrtle's perception of what happened to her is only through Fiona's recounting (Jessica Lange) who has been known to lie and manipulate before.

In the same episode, Fiona will try to make another truce with the voodoo witches led by Marie Laveau (Angela Bassett), though Fiona does not get her wish. Elsewhere, Cordelia tutors Misty Day (Lily Rabe) at the Academy, under the assumption that Misty is the coven's new Supreme witch.

American Horror Story: Coven airs Wednesdays at 10 p.m. on FX.

Watch a trailer for the next episode of American Horror Story: Coven here:

American Horror Story, American Horror Story: Coven, Spoilers