New information has surfaced on the upcoming installment of CBS's The Young and the Restless, as it's set to include Dylan asking Nikki to meet, Victor being disturbed by info he found in the file, and Billy getting hot and heavy with Kelly.

Jack warmly greets Jill at the door, and the latter queries him on what the reason for it was. He says he's like to start the New Year off on the right foot.

While at the airport, Vikki leaves another phone message for Billy, who still isn't answering. Meanwhile, Kelly and Billy begin taking each others clothes off in the heat of the situation. They eventually stop and trade apologies and agree that it won't happen again. Billy says he loves his wife.

Victor is shocked by the file with Adam's name on it. He tells Nikki he's bringing her to Vermont for New Year's. Dylan contacts Nikki to get together. She soon leaves to meet up with him.

Victor's Private Investigator tells him that someone witnessed a man getting out of the black SUV and watch the dog scurry off. However, the eyewitness won't talk due to his legal troubles.

Adam informs Chelsea there's no reason that they shouldn't remarry one another, but then says he was just kidding. She was aware of that and realizes that they aren't at that point yet.

Vikki calls the Boulevard after getting home, but Billy wasn't there. Jill informs her about the foundation idea. Vikki thinks it's a good idea, but doesn't feel as though she can suggest it to him. Billy then gets home and Vikki queries him on where he was.

Dylan asks Nikki about Ian Ward, and she tells him she thinks he was raised on a farm. Dylan tells her he doesn't plan on searching for him.

Nikki gets back to Newman and Victor makes a smart remark. She makes it a point to tell him that Dylan hasn't done any harm to anybody and leaves.

At home, Jill phones the foundation and finds out she has to speak to Kelly Andrews about it.

Y&R Spoilers From Friday, December 27, 2013

CBS's The Young and the Restless airs Mondays thru Fridays at 12:30 p.m. East Standard Time. Be sure to check back daily for more of the latest updates.

The Young and the Restless, CBS, Soap Operas