There is new speculation that British pop star Lily Allen might have fabricated her story about being offered a part on the hit HBO drama, Game of Thrones. While Allen insists that she was offered the part of Theon's sister, her brother Alfie Allen says that Lily sensationalized the story in order to stay in the headlines.

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Lily recently participated in a Reddit AMA in which she said she was offered a role next to her brother, who plays Theon Greyjoy on Game of Thrones. She says that she declined the offer because she was uncomfortable with the role and what it entailed.

"Well, that was about a 5-year disparity between the two! But I've been asked to do a Game of Thrones cameo, they asked me if I'd be interested in playing Theon's sister, and I felt uncomfortable," Lily said. "I would have had to go on a house and he would have touched me up and s---. Once they told me what was entailed, I said no thanks. I would be open to doing a musical cameo like Sigur Ros, though."

Her brother Alfie, though, insists that Lily made up the entire story and that she was never asked to be on the show. He doesn't explain though why Lily would lie about the role.

"I heard about this, yeah. The only thing I'm going to say on that is that it's not true, "Alfie said during an interview with Vulture Magazine. "And also that Gemma Whalen was always their first choice for the part. And she's fantastic. And that's the only thing I'm going to say about that."

Producers of the show have so far declined to comment. Game of Thrones airs Sundays at 9 p.m. EST/PST on HBO.

Game of Thrones, Lily Allen