Under the Dome Season 2 featured the death of two of the show's main characters, further proving that no one is safe under the mysterious dome.

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It was the end of the road for two characters in the Season 2 premiere of Under the Dome. Angie (Britt Robertson) died by fire axe in the premiere's final moments, while Linda (Natalie Martinez) died after being crushed by a car. While it is a mystery as to who killed Angie, Robertson is speculating that the culprit may be someone no one is expecting.

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"I don't know. I know it's not Junior [Alexander Koch]. There's no way he killed me unless the alien was controlling him," she speculated to Entertainment Weekly after the episode. "I don't think it was Melanie [Grace Victoria Cox]. She was the last person you saw but how could it be her? I think it has to be something someone we don't expect and just don't know."

Robertson also admitted that she did not know on the origin of the Dome, though she still has one theory:

"I don't even know, but at this point we have to believe that it's some sort of alien experiment type of scenario," she speculated.

She said that she first found out that Angie was dying after Martinez left her a voicemail about it and asking her if she wanted to have a drink, considering both of their characters were going to die in the season premiere.

Under the Dome Season 2 airs Mondays at 10 p.m. on CBS.

Watch the promo for the next episode of Under the Dome here:

Under the dome, Television, CBS