'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results Reveal Former 'Bomb Squad' Member Becoming New Target [VIDEO]
Things went down as expected at the Veto Ceremony in the Big Brother 16 house on Monday, though the latest target was definitely blindsided.
Head of Household: Frankie Grande
Nominees: Amber Borzotra & Jocasta Odom
Other Houseguests: Caleb Reynolds, Christine Brecht, Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, Donny Thompson, Hayden Voss, Nicole Franzel, Victoria Rafaeli and Zach Rance
Caleb Goes on a 'Date' With Amber in the Big Brother House
Hayden won the Power of Veto on Saturday and it became clear that he was going to use it to save Victoria from the block. With this in mind, the Detonators agreed to nominate Amber in Victoria's place, with Amber becoming the primary target for eviction.
Everything went according to plan on Monday with Hayden using the Veto on Victoria and Frankie nominating Amber as the replacement.
Amber was noticeably shocked by this action, causing her to go straight to Cody and Derrick and confront them about there being an all-guys alliance in the house. Both Cody and Derrick denied this and promised her their votes, even though they have no intention of saving her this week.
Caleb is okay with Amber being the replacement nominee but he does not seem to be aware that she'll be sent out the door on Thursday. It remains to be seen what he will do once this happens, or if the Detonators will just tell him about the plan.
With the likely eviction of Amber this week, there will only be four girls left in the house compared to seven guys. The remaining girls, Christine, Jocasta, Nicole and Victoria, do not seem to have any intention of teaming up with each other, aside from Christine's deal with Nicole. In fact, Victoria has openly mocked Amber's proposal to create an all-girl alliance.
Big Brother 16 airs its next episode Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto Competition and the Veto Ceremony.