'Big Brother 16' Live Feed Spoilers: Christine Might Be Persuaded To 'Backdoor' One Of Her Potential Allies In Veto Ceremony [VIDEO]
The current Head of Household in the Big Brother 16 house may have been persuaded to backdoor one of her best friends in the house.
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Live Feed Spoilers below:
Head of Household: Christine Brecht
Nominees: Donny Thompson & Zach Rance
Other Houseguests: Caleb Reynolds, Cody Calafiore, Derrick Levasseur, Frankie Grande, Nicole Franzel and Victoria Rafaeli
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With Zach winning the Power of Veto on Saturday, it is clear that he will take himself off the block in Monday's Veto ceremony. As such, Christine will have to nominate either Cody, Derrick, Nicole or Victoria next to Donny for Thursday's eviction.
Many people in the house want Nicole gone, so Christine's fellow Detonators (plus Caleb) ambushed her Sunday night with a plan to get Nicole out of the house. They essentially told her that Nicole wanted to backdoor Christine if the former were to have stayed HOH.
Christine was hesitant at first but she seemed to agree by the end of the night after everyone told her that the vote would probably be unanimous to evict Nicole.
Even though Christine wants to protect her alliance of Detonators, it was just a few days ago that they were telling Nicole to nominate her if she was to remain HOH. If she nominates Nicole and then she gets evicted, Christine might actually be following her out the door next week.
The next episode of Big Brother 16 airs Wednesday at 8/7c on CBS, featuring the Power of Veto competition and the Veto ceremony.