Shawn Hunter is back, and his Girl Meets World storyline may be far happier than his Boy Meets World childhood.

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Rider Strong now has a recurring role on Disney Boy Meets World next generation comedy, and a long-anticipated relationship may be in the cards for Corey's best friend.

Angela (Trina McGee), Shawn's college girlfriend, is coming back for episode 7 of the second season, according to ET. While Riley and Corey have hinted that they want to fix Shawn up with Maya's mom, a blast form the past could change their minds.

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"We know that [Shawn's] relationship with Angela Moore was a very important relationship to the audience, but we also know something more which is that with Shawn, nothing good ever really happened to him," executive producer Michael Jacobs explained to ET.

Could this be Shawn's chance for a happily ever after, or will their reunion crash and burn like so many moments in his life?

Titled "Girl Meets Hurricane," the reunion episode ill air once the series returns for season 2 this summer. In the meantime, Disney will air the season 1 finale, "Girl Meets First Date" on March 27.

Click the video to see a preview for Shawn's holiday visit to the Matthews' in "Girl Meets Home For The Holidays."

Girl Meets World, Television, Disney