Danny Bonaduce was bitten at a Washington state casino event according to a report.

The former child TV star claims a crazed fan asked to kiss him on the cheek, but when she did she bit him, prompting onlookers to pull her off.

"She said, 'I loved you on "The Partridge Family." Can I kiss you?'," Bonaduce told The News Tribune of Tacoma.

When he agreed, "She latched onto it for about a minute," he told the newspaper.

'"I could feel things popping," Bonaduce added.

The unidentified woman was picked up by police and despite being bruised with a mark on his face; the former child star does not plan on pressing charges against her.

When Bonaduce was asked what he thought of the bizarre attack he blamed it on possible drug use.

"Bath salts," he said, referring to the popular drug that has been blamed for many headline-grabbing violent assaults including "zombie" attacks.

According to the report, local authorities went to visit the star at his hotel room Saturday morning to photograph and exam the wound.

Bonaduce shared the tale when he showed up at an event the day after the assault with a bright red bruise on his face. He was hosting a mixed martial arts event and when asked about the injury, he initially declined to reveal the name of the casino where the incident occurred. On Sunday, Sept.30 Bonaduce told King-5 TV the incident ocurred at the Skagit Valley Casino Resort.

Bonaduce's wife, Amy who manages his career, said her husband was treated with antibiotics to help prevent any possible infection.

On Sunday Bonaduce reportedly tweeted, "Peterson Bros 1111′s meatloaf sandwiches are really good, but apparently I'm delicious."

Bonaduce is known for his role on the hit 1970s sitcom "The Partridge Family." The TV series was about a successful music family that toured around the country.

Bonaduce is now a radio host at a Seattle-based station.