To the excitement of many, Showtime launched its seventh season of the hit show "Dexter" on Sunday. As usual, the series opener didn't disappoint, as it continued forward with a storyline that revolves around Deb's newfound knowledge of her adopted brother Dex's serial killing ways.

Nonetheless, an equally anticipating episode titled "Sunshine and Frosty Swirl" will be airing this upcoming Sunday. According to one of its executive producers, the show will again exceed expectations, as Deb continues to learn more and more about her sibling's Dark Passenger.

Scott Buck, executive producer of the popular program, recently sat down with TV Guide to reveal more of what's to come between Deb (Jennifer Carpenter) and Dexter (Michael C. Hall).

"Episode 2 is Deb trying to figure out what does she do with this [information]. For Dexter, how does he handle damage control? How can he control Deb? He hasn't told her everything. He told her he's a serial killer, but there's a lot more to it than that."

Buck also touched on Deb's indirect association with many of Dexter's vigilante murders, as well as her increasing knowledge of just who Dexter really is.

"She's been involved in some of these kills in ways that she's not even fully aware. If you recall, she came up to that plastic curtain and let him walk away, completely unaware that that was her brother on the other side."

The producer also didn't discount the complexity of Deb's character. However, he did inform fans that she may be more intelligent than they perceive her to be.

"There's a lot of stuff to figure out. And the whole idea that her dad was the one who taught him to do this is a huge thing to deal with as well. It also really helps explain a lot about her brother. Deb is a much smarter cop than we would think. There's always had to be some sort of voice in the back of her head saying, 'There's something off about Dexter.'"

Dexter season 7 episode 2 will be premiering on Sunday, Oct 7 at 9 PM ET on Showtime.

Dexter, Television, Celebrities