Girl Meets World has entered the dating fray and the Disney series will continue to navigate Riley's complicated teenage life during season 2.

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Announced back August, filming for the second season started back in November. The production has slowly leaked out new episode titles, and viewers can now add episodes 12 and 13 to the list.

The 12th episode will be titled "Girl Meets the New Teacher" while the 13th will be called "Girl Meets World of Terror 2."

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Airdates have yet to be set for any of the season 2 episodes, but it sounds like episode 13 will slot into Disney's frightening October schedule. It's 2014 counterpart aired on October 2 and explored Farkle's fear of gym class, Riley's fear of a sleepover with Maya, and Auggie's fear of the monsters under his bed.

Meanwhile, the season will air "Girl Meets Gravity," "Girl Meets the New World," "Girl Meets the Secret Life," "Girl Meets Pluto," "Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels." "Girl Meets the Tell Tale Tot," "Girl Meets Commonism," "Girl Meets Hurricane," "Girl Meets Mr. Squirrels Goes to Was...," "Girl Meets the Ruels," and "Girls Meets Fish."

Click the video below to see a preview for the series' latest episode.

Girl Meets World, Television, Disney