She has been feeling listless and in need of something to do ever since she was removed as the CEO of DiMera Enterprises--but Kate's (Lauren Koslow) scheming to find a new job will cause her to pay an extraordinarily heavy price on Days of Our Lives.

Lucas & Adrienne Squabble Over Will & Sonny's Problems

While trying to find something to do, she suggested Victor (John Aniston) allow her to take over Mad World Cosmetics--but was turned down because Victor was happy with the work that Kate's son, Lucas (Bryan Dattilo), was doing as the CEO of the company. Smarting because her son's position meant she could not have a job, Kate began scheming against him.

She struck gold when she learned that Lucas and Adrienne (Judi Evans) had engaged in an affair, and promised her son she was all for his activities. However, seeing an opening, she pretended she had been approached by a tabloid reporter requesting information about the illicit relationship. She pretended to assure Victor that his daughter-in-law wasn't cheating on his son, knowing that Victor wouldn't take too kindly to learning about what was going on.

Lucas & Adrienne Make Love

Sure enough, Victor then returned to the Kiriakis mansion, summoning Adrienne from her latest tryst with Lucas--and informing his employee he was fired. Now, Kate is likely to ascend the career ladder once again, taking over for her son at the company--but getting what she wanted will come at a big price once Lucas puts together who could have possibly tipped Victor off about what was happening. When he realizes what happened and that his mother was the one who betrayed him, he may finally be sick of all her meddling in his life--and cut her out of it for good.

Days of Our Lives airs Monday-Friday at 1 p.m. on NBC.

Days Of Our Lives, Nbc, Soap Operas