Ann Romney appeared Thursday with the ladies of "The View" and said her husband Mitt Romney did not mean the hosts were "sharp-tongued."

Romney's wife wore a bright red dress for the show where besides adresssing her husband's remarks, she discussed women's rights, family and marriage with hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Barbara Walters, Joy Behar, Sherri Shepherd and Elisabeth Hasselbeck.

"At one point when he didn't think he was being heard, he said that he wasn't sure if he wanted to come with us because we were 'high-risk' and we were 'sharp-tongued," asked Barbara Walters.

Mrs. Romney smiling replied:

"No, he said sharp and young," triggering laughter in the audience and the hosts.

"Well, thank you," Sherri Shepherd said.

"But you know what? He is right," Walters said.

Mitt Romney canceled his appearance on "The View" set for October 18 due to scheduling problems.

In a video recording at a fund-raising campaign he was heard saying the hosts in "The View" are "sharp-tongued."

"'The View' is fine, although 'The View' is high-risk because, of the five women on it, only one is conservative and four are sharp-tongued and not conservative, Whoopi Goldberg in particular," the Republican Presidential Candidate said at a fundraising event.

Watch Ann Romney on 'The View' Below:

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