'Big Brother 17' Live Feed: James & Jason's Nominations For Eviction Revealed, Who Is The Big Target? [VIDEO]
The Big Brother live feeds have officially been turned on, and lots of new information has been revealed about the dynamics in the house, as well as who's nominated for eviction.
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Heads of Household: James Huling & Jason Roy
Other houseguests: Audrey Middleton, Austin Matelson, Becky Burgess, Clay Honeycutt, Da'Vonne Rogers, Jace Agolli, Jackie Ibarra, Jeff Weldon, John McGuire, Liz Nolan, Meg Maley, Shelli Poole, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso
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The feeds went live at midnight ET / 9 p.m. PT last night. Once the houseguests got past various shoutouts to friends and family watching, game talk started to commence.
Here is the lowdown on what we learned about the current dynamic in the house:
James nominated Jackie and Steve for eviction while Jason nominated Becky and John. Information on why those were the nominees is not clear at this time.
The Battle of the Block was already played and Becky and John wound up winning, which dethroned Jason from being HOH. This makes James the official HOH for the week while Jackie and Steve are nominees heading into the Veto competition. This has not been played yet.
Austin and Jace are getting on everyone's nerves with their loud antics. They roped in Liz for a Final 3 deal. But everyone else is pretty much against them at this point. Several houseguests have talked about backdooring Jace and sending him out the door first.
Another alliance seems to be Audrey, Clay and Meg, who spent a lot of time talking together. There also may be others in their alliance, such as Da'Vonne, Jason and Shelli, though Clay spent a good amount of time talking about targeting Da'Vonne. Audrey, Clay and Meg have also discussed targeting Becky as well.
Jackie and Jeff's status in the game is not entirely clear, though Austin and Jace clearly dislike him. Jackie seems like she's integrating better with the others. The status of John and Steve as far as house dynamics is not clear either.
Meanwhile, Vanessa had an epic breakdown throughout the night. She was talking to her fellow houseguests about feeling so "sad" that she was there in the game, and missing her girlfriend back home. Some Big Brother fans are speculating that this may be the infamous poker player pulling a bluff, which is certainly an interesting approach as far as making herself not look like a big gamer.
For now, it's looking like Jace is the no. 1 target for eviction next week, though anything can happen in the Big Brother house.
Big Brother 17 airs again on Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.