One houseguest is desperately trying to stay in the house while another is continuing to dig her own grave on CBS's Big Brother 17.

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Head of Household: James Huling

Nominees: Jace Agolli and Jackie Ibarra

Other houseguests: Audrey Middleton, Austin Matelson, Becky Burgess, Clay Honeycutt, Da'Vonne Rogers, Jason Roy, Jeff Weldon, John McGuire, Liz Nolan, Meg Maley, Shelli Poole, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso

Audrey's Closest Allies Turn Against Her on 'Big Brother'

Up to this morning, the plan is still in place to evict Jace during tonight's live eviction show. Very little has changed from what we've seen on the live feeds as far as most of the house voting against him and sending him out the door.

This hasn't stopped him from campaigning, however. Jace has found a new ally in Audrey, who has completely ostracized herself from pretty much everyone. On Wednesday, Audrey was campaigning to others in the house to flip the vote, but nobody was really listening. Audrey tried to convince James that Jeff is going after him and that he should work with her and Jace. James relayed this information Da'Vonne, Jason and Meg, and none of them were interested in working with Audrey in any way.

James also told Jeff that Jace has been targeting him, which caused Jeff to confront Jace directly. Jeff talked about how Jace was just a bully and his pleas to stay in the game were failing. Jace ultimately said he knows he's going home anyway, but it's not clear if he really knows how screwed he is.

At this point in the game, Jace will be out the door tonight and the Head of Household competition will really shift the game in one direction or the other. If Audrey wins HOH, she plans on targeting Jeff, but if pretty much anyone else wins it, then Audrey is the no. 1 target and will very likely be next to go. However, it's the Big Brother house and with this cast, anything can change.

Big Brother 17 will air a new episode Thursday at 9 p.m. ET/PT on CBS. The episode will feature the first live eviction of the season as well as the next Head of Household competition. Comedian Kathy Griffin will also reveal a new twist to the house.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS