The current Head of Household on CBS's Big Brother 17 might be changing her mind about who she wants to be evicted this week.

Austin & Vanessa Have Big Plans on 'Big Brother 17'

Heads of Household: Vanessa Rousso

Nominees: James Huling and John McGuire

Other houseguests: Audrey Middleton, Austin Matelson, Becky Burgess, Clay Honeycutt, Jackie Ibarra, Jason Roy, Jeff Weldon, Liz/Julia Nolan, Meg Maley, Shelli Poole and Steve Moses

Julia Confirms Twin Twist To Vanessa on 'Big Brother 17'

Friday was an eventful day in the Big Brother house with the Nomination ceremony and the Battle of the Block held within hours of each other. In the morning, Austin nominated Jason and Meg while Vanessa nominated James and John.

Vanessa had told John before the Nomination ceremony to throw the Battle of the Block so that she could have control this week and be able to backdoor a big target. John went along with it as he did last week.

The Battle of the Block could not have gone better for Vanessa as John didn't even have to obviously throw it, since James apparently had major difficulties. Jason and Meg wound up winning the competition, dethroning Austin from HOH power.

As it stands now, Vanessa is the sole HOH with James and John as nominees. Austin and Vanessa have been discussing backdooring Jeff since they first stepped into power, and it looks like that plan is still being set in motion.

However, late Friday night Vanessa spoke about possibly changing her mind on her target. She is telling her alliance that she might want to target James instead of Jeff now, though it is not clear what she is truly thinking.

Meanwhile, there was some speculation about another twin twist. Austin and Vanessa discussed the possibility of Clay having a twin, with them agreeing that his hair changes frequently and that there is probably a male twin twist to go along with female (Liz/Julia).

The Power of Veto competition will likely be played today and there is some variation on what might be done with the Veto. James and John would obviously use it on themselves but if someone else wins, it depends on what Vanessa wants to do.

Either way, it's looking like either James or Jeff are going to be evicted, though anything can change in the Big Brother house.

Big Brother 17 returns for another episode Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Big Brother, Reality TV, CBS