Barack Obama

Rasmussen Polls; Obama and Romney Tied with 48% Voter Support

A look into the Rasmussen Presidential polls. The race to the White House is close for President Obama and Mitt Romney. As of Friday, the two top candidates are evenly matched with the support of 48 percent of American voters, according to Rasmussen's daily Presidential polls.

Presidential Polls 2012: Obama Closes Gap, Ties With Romney

The two candidates are tied at 48 percent each. President Barack Obama has closed the gap between himself and his Republican challenger Mitt Romney in nationwide polls, and he stands to gain even more of an advantage as poll numbers effected by the second presidential debate become available.

Presidential Polls 2012: Romney Still Ahead, But Young Voters Support Obama

Tuesday night's presidential debate has not been factored into the polls yet. Political pundits who declared Barack Obama the winner of Tuesday night's presidential debate say the incumbent president will see a bump in the polls based on his victory, but voter surveys have not yet had time to incorporate the debate into their results.
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