While the impending results of the upcoming eviction are pretty much set in stone on the 'Big Brother' live feeds, there were a few shakeups with friendships and alliances Wednesday.
The Bomb Squad alliance has essentially exploded on the 'Big Brother' live feeds, with its most vocal member telling almost everyone else in the house about it.
The 'Big Brother' live feeds have showed the craziness of what's been going on in the house as of late, and it seems that two sides are beginning to form.
The Bomb Squad is continuing to implode on the 'Big Brother' live feeds, with one new houseguest emerging as a potential new target for eviction on Thursday.
The target on one 'Big Brother 16' cast member is getting bigger and bigger with each passing day and it may lead to the disintegration of the Bomb Squad.
As the 'Big Brother 16' cast members prepare for the first live eviction, it seems that one of the two nominees has become the presumptive target to be voted out unanimously.
On the 'Big Brother 16' live feeds, the final nominations for the week have been set, and one of those nominees has been singled out as the person who will likely go home in Thursday's live eviction.
While 'Big Brother' viewers saw Caleb Reynolds become the second HOH for Week 1 Thursday night, a lot more has gone down in the 'Big Brother' house, according to the 24/7 live feeds.