Big Brother
The target set to be evicted on Thursday in the 'Big Brother 16' house is openly campaigning and hoping to stay in the house. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Christine 'Backdoors' Her Former Ally & Burns Another Bridge As Derrick, Cody Look Ahead [VIDEO]
The current Head of Household in the 'Big Brother 16' house was convinced to "backdoor" one of her former alliance mates, making her work for the best interest of the guys rather than herself. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed Spoilers: Christine Might Be Persuaded To 'Backdoor' One Of Her Potential Allies In Veto Ceremony [VIDEO]
The current Head of Household in the 'Big Brother 16' house may have been persuaded to backdoor one of her best friends in the house. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed Spoilers: Frankie Reveals Ariana Grande Secret & Talks Being 'Social Media Mogul,' House Reacts [VIDEO]
It was a crazy, eventful night in the Big Brother 16 house Friday night when one houseguest chose to reveal all of their secrets to the house. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed Spoilers: House Turns On Frankie As Two Female Houseguests Become New Heads Of Household [VIDEO]
It was one of the craziest nights in the 'Big Brother 16' house Thursday night as two of the biggest players in the game became huge targets for eviction. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Vote Flips Again As The Detonators Intend To Blindside Donny, Hayden & Nicole [VIDEO]
The vote has managed to flip yet again in the 'Big Brother 16' house ahead of Thursday night's eviction as the Detonators have changed their minds on who to vote out. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: 'The Detonators' Self-Destruct As Christine Gets Caught In A Lie, Hayden & Nicole Suspicious [VIDEO]
In a roundabout way, the members of the secret Detonators alliance revealed themselves to the outsiders in the Big Brother 16 house Tuesday night, without revealing the whole truth. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Derrick Manages To Flip Frankie Into Voting Out One Of His Closest Friends In Upcoming Eviction [VIDEO]
It appears that one of the biggest personalities in the 'Big Brother 16' house might be headed out the door in Thursday's live eviction. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Nicole May Trick Veto Winner Into Using It To 'Backdoor' Frankie On Live Feeds [VIDEO]
Plans are consistently changing in the 'Big Brother 16' house ahead of Thursday night's crucial eviction. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: New Alliance The 'Quad Squad' Forms With Frankie Or Zach Becoming Primary Eviction Plan [VIDEO]
Another alliance formed in the 'Big Brother 16' house Friday night as they planned to get out one of the biggest targets in the house. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: 'Detonators' Lose HOH Competition For First Time, Frankie Becomes Potential 'Backdoor' Target [VIDEO]
The 'Big Brother 16' house looks to have a relatively significant power shift as two non-Detonators won Head of Household, and both of them are ready to make a move. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed: Donny May Decline 'Team America' Task As Derrick & Frankie Discuss Targeting Him Next [VIDEO]
One member of "Team America" might be going against America's wishes in the 'Big Brother 16' house as the trio argues over whether or not to do their latest task. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Frankie Lies To Caleb As 'Beast Mode Cowboy' Plans To 'Prank' Her On Live Feeds [VIDEO]
With one 'Big Brother 16' houseguest all but guaranteed to blow up after Thursday's eviction, those in power have suggested splitting the vote in order to lessen the blow. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed: Caleb Unravels As Amber Becomes Eviction Target; Looks To Be Unable To 'Save' Her [VIDEO]
One of the 'Big Brother 16' houseguests is about to be epically blindsided in the live eviction Thursday, and it's not the person being targeted for the eviction. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Veto Ceremony Results Reveal Former 'Bomb Squad' Member Becoming New Target [VIDEO]
Things went down as expected at the Veto Ceremony in the 'Big Brother 16' house on Monday, though the latest target was definitely blindsided. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed: Derrick Levasseur Finds Out About His Own Grandfather's Death Two Days After Frankie's [VIDEO]
Just two days after 'Big Brother 16' contestant Frankie Grande learned that his grandfather had died, another houseguest is grieving the death of their own grandfather. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Zach Ready To Make A Move Against Christine As Amber & Caleb Become New Eviction Targets [VIDEO]
Some unexpected targets have formed in the 'Big Brother 16' house after the latest Head of Household competition. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed: Frankie Grande 'Devastated' By Loss Of Grandfather, Talks Building Schools In Africa In Honor [VIDEO]
One of the houseguests in the 'Big Brother 16' house was informed of an unfortunate passing of one of their relatives, sending the house into a state of mourning. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Caleb Goes On A 'Date' With Amber As Zach Becomes A Potential Target For The Detonators [VIDEO]
Two houseguests went on a "date" in the 'Big Brother' house Tuesday night while another houseguest is becoming a target within his own alliance. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feeds: Brittany Becomes Target For Eviction As Cody Goes Back On Word & Betrays Donny [VIDEO]
The current Head of Household in the 'Big Brother 16' house could have shaken up the game with his replacement nomination but chose to play it safe Monday. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Chaos Ensues In The Detonators Alliance As Zach Presents Idea To 'Backdoor' Caleb [VIDEO]
In the wake of one of the nominees for eviction winning the Power of Veto, there has been a lot of scrambling on the Big Brother 16 live feeds to determine who the replacement nominee should be.