Doctor Strange
Stephen Strange now has his mystic accomplice Doctor Strange has found its Wong in the form of. . . Benedict Wong. 'Agents Of SHIELD' Season 3: Lincoln's Past Is Darker Than You Think, EP & Luke Mitchell Tease Reveal The Marvel Cinematic Universe is ready to dive into the world of the mystic, and Doctor Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) will lead the charge. -
'Doctor Strange' Movie: 'Agent Carter' Connection Confirmed! EPs Dish On Mysterious 'Zero Matter' [VIDEO]
What is Agent Carter's Zero Matter & how will it connect to 'Doctor Strange'? Find out now! -
'Doctor Strange' Movie: Main Villain Announced, Who Exactly Will Mads Mikkelsen Play? [VIDEO]
The 'Hannibal' alum will have a major role to play as Strange and the Ancient One team up. -
'Doctor Strange' Movie: Three New Filming Locations Announced, Is Marvel Coming To Your City? [VIDEO]
Find out where production will take the Benedict Cumberbatch film We know Doctor Strange begin filming in Nepal early this fall, but Marvel seized Thanksgiving as an opportunity to officially announce the film's turn in front of the cameras. -
'Doctor Strange' Movie: Production Leaves Nepal, Benedict Cumberbatch Teases Filming Schedule [VIDEO]
Goodbye Nepal, hello England. Marvel's mystic is ready to take on the next leg of filming. Doctor Strange is packing up and heading to its star's home country. -
'Doctor Strange' Rumors: Gender-Swaped Role Coming From Marvel? Actress Eyed For The Ancient One [VIDEO]
Will Doctor Strange's mentor be a woman? Doctor Strange casting is underway and Tilda Swinton is on the docket. 'Captain America: Civil War' Crossbones: How Big Of A Threat Is Rumlow [PHOTO]? Frank Grillo Wraps Filming The Marvel film will be headlined by Benedict Cumberbatch, but The Hollywood Reporter recently announced that Swinton may jump into the gender-swapped role of the Ancient One. -
'Doctor Strange' Movie Cast: Morgan Freeman, Bill Nighy & Ken Watanabe Being Eyed For Major Role In Film Starring Benedict Cumberbatch [VIDEO]
With Benedict Cumberbatch locked into the main role, there are a host of other characters in 'Doctor Strange' that need casting. Could Morgan Freeman take one of those role for Marvel? -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: Doctor Strange Could Appear & Side With Black Panther For Future Team-Up, Will Lead To The Sorcerer Playing Big Role In 'Avengers 3' [VIDEO]
The news that Benedict Cumberbatch is playing Doctor Strange has sent the internet into a scramble of where he could first appear before his solo film. But with so many possibilities two options seem to stick out most. -
'Doctor Strange' Movie Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch Is 'Thrilled' For The Role, Says There Is Still A Lot To Do To Prepare For The Film [VIDEO]
After months of dodging questions and rumor inquiries, Benedict Cumberbatch has finally been unveiled as the pick for Doctor Strange at Marvel. But what does the actor have to say about finally being confirmed to the role that he has been rumored to have for weeks now? -
'Captain America 3' Movie News: With Benedict Cumberbatch Doctor Strange, Could His Character Make A Cameo In 'Civil War?' [VIDEO]
After months of speculation, and hounding the poor actor about the role anytime they could, it seems like Benedict Cumberbatch can finally sigh with relief as Marvel announced that he would be playing Doctor Strange for the brand. But could his character appear before his solo film and join the universe? -
'Doctor Strange' Rumors: Benedict Cumberbatch Appearing In 'Avengers 2?' Character Could Be Introduced In Post-Credit Scene [VIDEO]
While Marvel made some big waves with a lot of their other movies, including a firm date for the Doctor Strange movie, the studio did not announce who would play the role as the question is now raised, who will play the role and when will we see him? -
'Captain America 3' Movie Rumors: Marvel Revealing The Sequel Name As 'Civil War' Or 'Fallen Son' In Press Event? [VIDEO]
It looks like Marvel is going to pull a play from Apple and host a special, secret event to reveal some of the biggest news the studio has. -
'Doctor Strange' Casting: 5 Reasons Why Benedict Cumberbatch Makes For A Perfect Steven Strange [VIDEO]
After months of speculating and almost conformations, it seems like Marvel has their guy for the role of Doctor Strange in the upcoming movie. But will this British actor be a perfect pick or did Marvel commit too early to the casting of the Sorcerer Supreme? -
'Doctor Strange' Cast: Ryan Gosling Looks A Lot Like The Sorcerer Supreme In Latest Role, Is He Getting Ready For Marvel? [VIDEO]
It may be taking longer than Marvel thought to cast the role of Doctor Strange, but could one big name actor be prepping for the role as he films his latest movie? His facial hair seems to point in that direction. -
'Doctor Strange' Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch & Joaquin Phoenix Back In Contention, Keanu Reeves & Colin Farrell Enter Race [VIDEO]
It seems like Marvel is going back to some names they have already looked at for the role of Doctor Strange as talks begin to heat up among some of Hollywood's biggest stars trying to snag the superhero role. -
'Doctor Strange' Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Jared Leto & Jake Gyllenhaal Among Possibilties? One Actor 'Aggressively Pursuing' The Role [VIDEO]
While everyone under the sun is saying who they want to see play the role, it seems like two Oscar winners from last year and two Star Wars actors may be on the top of Marvel's list for the role of Doctor Strange. -
'Doctor Strange' Cast: Keanu Reeves Down To Play Main Role & Likes Idea Of What The Movie Is Trying To Do, Wary Of Marvel Contract [VIDEO]
With speculation running wild as to who will take over the role of Doctor Strange for Marvel, a few names have come up and disappeared, but no concrete rumors have surfaced since Joaquin Phoenix turned the role down. But it seems like a former blockbuster franchise star may look at giving the role a chance if given it. -
'Doctor Strange' Cast: Matt Bomer A Possibility To Play Steven In Movie, Could Be Up & Coming Actor Marvel Is Looking For Like Chris Pratt [VIDEO]
With Marvel now looking for someone to take over as Steven Strange for the Doctor Strange movie, it seems like they could follow the route they took with Chris Pratt and try and nab a star on the cusp of being huge. Is that going to be this actor though? -
'Doctor Strange' Cast: James Franco, Johnny Depp & Matthew Goode Among Possible Candidates To Play Steven After Joaquin Phoenix Drops Out [VIDEO]
With Joaquin Phoenix saying no the role of Doctor Strange with Marvel, it leaves a big role in the ever changing Marvel universe open for another actor to jump on. But could a few big names possibly wear the cape for the studio? -
'Doctor Strange' Cast: Oscar Isaac, Patrick Wilson, Mads Mikkelsen Among Names Now In Contention For Lead Role After Joaquin Phoenix Dips Out [VIDEO]
With the news last week that Joaquin Phoenix would not be taking the lead role of Doctor Strange in the Marvel movie, it leaves a big role in the studio's cinematic universe to be filled and it could include another name within Disney's upcoming movies. -
'Avengers 3' Rumors: Chris Evans & Chris Hemsworth Could Be Cut From Movie To Keep Contracts Open, Would Have Paul Rudd's Ant-Man & Doctor Strange Fill Their Places [VIDEO]
With the most recent rumor being that the third Avengers movie would be split into two movies to accommodate all of the stars being involved in it, could Marvel do the opposite and exclude some of its biggest stars in order to keep them around? That is what the next rumor is saying.