Spencer Bledsoe will continue to grow as a person in the next episode of Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance, but will he become too much of a threat?

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CBS has released a sneak peek for episode 5 of Survivor: Cambodia, which is titled A Snake in the Grass. The sneak peek is entirely centered around Spencer and his evolution.

Spencer and fellow tribe member Jeremy Collins set out for fishing, with Spencer grabbing the spear and going on the hunt.

"I came into Survivor the first time as a super-fan and I would watch these guys like Ozzy [Lusth] or even Joe [Anglim] fish and spearfish and provide for their tribe," Spencer says in a confessional. "And I guess I always saw myself as kind of an awkward geeky kid who couldn't do those things. But here I am doing those things."

Spencer is then shown having stabbed a fish and is clearly proud of himself.

"I feel like I'm not enjoying Survivor by proxy anymore - I'm living it," he continues in the confessional. "It's like one of those Survivor dreams that I've thought about for a long time that I'm finally doing. It was a cool moment and I felt proud."

Thus far into Survivor: Cambodia, Spencer has received a very big edit compared to many of his fellow players. His journey from nerdy superfan to bonafide player has been chronicled since the beginning of his original season, Cagayan, and is continuing still. Will Spencer make it all the way to the end again? He has a huge target on his back but based on the edit he may be in this for the long haul.

Survivor: Cambodia - Second Chance airs Wednesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on CBS.

Survivor, Reality TV, CBS