Tokyo Ghoul is an anime whose first two seasons polarized viewers and critics alike. While the first season was widely lauded for its gritty portrayal of a world where humans are the hunted and ghouls roam the streets to feast on people's flesh, the second season, which diverged significantly from the manga, was the recipient of significant criticism.

Now, there is notable pressure from fans to keep the upcoming third season of the anime more faithful to the source material than Tokyo Ghoul Root A. In fact, fans were so adamant in their demands that a petition was even started online demanding that Studio Pierrot, the firm responsible for the first two seasons, hand over the reins of Tokyo Ghoul Season 3 to Madhouse, a studio known for its faithful-to-manga adaptations.

Unfortunately, the petition failed to reach its required number of signatures, and it seemed like Tokyo Ghoul Season 3 would end up being produced by Studio Pierrot once more. Couple that with speculations that the third season would be rife with fillers due to the lack of manga material, and numerous fans are already giving up on the notion of Tokyo Ghoul Season 3 being at least as good as Season 1.

However, a number of uncanny similarities between recent rumors have become rather interesting. During the past few months, speculations that the character of Touka Kirishima would be explored more in Season 3 have been abounding, and most were universal in the notion of Touka going to college. One of the colleges that she would allegedly attend is, interestingly, To-Oh University, the anime and manga counterpart of Toho University, one of the biggest educational institutions in Japan.

What's particularly interesting here is the fact that To-Oh University did make an appearance in a previous anime, none other than Madhouse's hit Death Note series. In fact, the main character and antihero of Death Note, Light Yagami, is a student of To-Oh.

Thus, with Touka allegedly scheduled to be featured in the third season as a student of To-Oh University, is it then possible that the anime would, at least partly, be produced by Madhouse? After all, the connection might be very slight, but the coincidence shown in recent rumors have been pretty uncanny.

Of course, these are but rumors right now. If any, the only thing that fans could be certain of is the fact that Tokyo Ghoul Season 3 would be coming soon. Its contents, however, are still as much a mystery as it was months ago.

Tokyo ghoul, Tokyo ghoul season 3, Tokyo ghoul root a, Tokyo ghoul reboot, Madhouse studios