The man she was allegedly claiming to be engaged to has spoken out and said he is not planning on marrying Amanda Bynes, and now the former actress has taken to Twitter to back up his claims.
Fresh off of dying her hair purple, Amanda Bynes has once again taken to Twitter and posted more troubling messages that have many concerned about her true mental state.
Despite fighting to gain control of their daughter's fortune and trying to force her into help following her latest strange behaviors, Lynn and Rick Bynes are reportedly now giving up on being Amanda Bynes' conservators.
Amanda Bynes may no longer be legally obligated to stay under an involuntary psychiatric hold, but the former actress has every intention of also keeping her parents away from her money as well.
Despite having a hold on her extended earlier this week, Amanda Bynes is once again freed from involuntary psychiatric treatment and has already taken to Twitter to speak out against her parents and Sam Lufti for tricking her into treatment.
Amanda Bynes' parents should receive the award for "Parents of the Year." Once you read about their latest ploy to save their daughter, you'll understand why.
Though she is still hospitalized on a 14-day hold at a mental health facility in L.A., Amanda Bynes is reportedly allowed to drive in the state once again, after her driver's license was reinstated following her September DUI.
It's been speculated for months that Amanda Bynes was running a secret Twitter account under the handle of PersianLA27, and now, it appears that that someone has found a way to prove the account was truly run by Bynes, despite earlier denials.
After a string of odd behavior, shocking tweets and old ways, Amanda Bynes is back in a psychiatric care facility thanks to her strong parents. On Friday (Oct. 10), Bynes was escorted to the Las Encinas Hospital after flying from NY to LAX.
Just short of two weeks after she began making headlines for alarming behaviors again, former child star Amanda Bynes is back in a treatment facility and under a new psychiatric hold.