Fans of the manga turned anime television series, "Tokyo Ghoul," were more than ecstatic when news broke out that Viz Media was indeed going to be releasing the third season of the hit anime. Unfortunately, the company has now come out and clarified that the statement may have been misinterpreted and that "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 is still not part of its release schedule this year.

A report from Comic Book previously quoted an interview with Viz Media's senior director of sales and marketing, Kevin Hamric, as having said that "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 was indeed coming out. Hamric also mentioned that "One Punch Man" season 2 will also come out this year.

"One-Punch Man is coming back on with season two. There's going to be another season of Tokyo Ghoul coming shortly. Later in the year, those would be the bigger releases on the anime side," Hamric had mentioned in an interview.

This was, of course, big news for "Tokyo Ghoul" fans as the majority of them have been waiting for the anime to return for quite a while now. The third season has also gone through several delays following numerous teasers from its creators.

However, a report from Anime News Network has now confirmed that Hamric may have misspoken. Viz Media apparently made an announcement and clarified that Hamric misspoke and actually meant to say "My Hero Academia" instead of "Tokyo Ghoul."

The announcement itself has resulted in a lot of negative comments from fans, which have apparently had enough of all the misinformation. Back in 2015, Funimation basically pulled the same stunt after it announced that "Tokyo Ghoul" season 3 was going to have a 2016 release date. Obviously, that didn't happen. Fans instead got a new mobile game that was based on the franchise, but no new updates regarding the anime's release.

Tokyo ghoul, Tokyo ghoul season 3