
The Hate Directed at "Eternals" and "The Last Jedi" Is Essentially the Same

Last weekend, I saw the latest film in the MCU, Marvel's "Eternals." Written and directed by Oscar-winner Chloé Zhao, "Eternals" is about the eponymous race of super-powered beings, who must save humans from destruction by a race of alien Deviants. And, while the plot seems to reflect the typical Marvel film at first glance, "Eternals" is actually a slow-moving, philosophical thought experiment that I personally loved from a writing perspective. However, after reading the current discourse surrounding the film, where critics and fans alike panned the film, I was reminded of another maligned film, Rian Johnson's "The Last Jedi," another film from the Mouse House I unabashedly love. I thought about why these films may garner such a fan backlash, and I think I figured it out.

10 Movies and Shows You Need to Rewatch Now

10 movies and shows you should rewatch now and where to find them! New movies and TV shows seem to be coming out every five seconds. There is an excitement and a pressure that comes from wanting to see new things.

Marvel Studios Hawkeye Offical Trailer (VIDEO)

The official trailer for the new Marvel Studio's movie Hawkeye is officially here. Marvel Studios Hawkeye Offical Trailer (VIDEO) The newest Marvel Studios production Hawkeye, starring Jeremy Renner and Hailee Steinfeld, released its first official trailer today.
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