Although Doctor Who has yet to air its farewell episode to Matt Smith's Eleventh Doctor, the Time Lord's companion is torn between her original Doctor and the upcoming Peter Capaldi iteration.

With Smith is set to regenerate in the BBC drama's Christmas outing, "The Time of the Doctor," Jenna Louise Coleman, who plays the Doctor's current travel buddy Clara, is not quite ready to leave behind Eleven.

"I became attached to Matt - it's such a strange relationship because it really is just the two of you," the 27-year-old Blackpool native told the Radio Times. "You spend every day running together and saving the world and each other's lives... And there's no other way to describe it other than: he's my Doctor."

While Whovains got glimpse of Capaldi's new Doctor during the Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special, "The Day of the Doctor," the Gallifreyan's upcoming regeneration remains a bit of a mystery. According to Steven Moffat, Matt Smith is technically the Thirteenth Doctor and has therefore already used up a Time Lord's allotted 12 regenerations. However, Capaldi's "Twelfth" Doctor will definitely come into being and Coleman is looking forward to filming the first episode of season 8 with the esteemed actor.

"I know the first script is moments away from reaching my hand so I'm looking forward to that, but I haven't read anything for the next series yet, so it doesn't feel like I'm two-timing Matt for now," Coleman informed the Radio Times. "It's such a double-act and a partnership. With Peter, we're a team and we've been out for lunch together, getting to know each other. It'll be great."

Check out a short preview of Smith's final Who performance by clicking the video below.

"The Time of the Doctor" will air Christmas Day on the BBC.

Doctor Who, BBC, Television