Big Brother
The final four 'Big Brother 16' houseguests have already competed in the final Power of Veto competition of the season and it seems that another big target will be out the door on Wednesday. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Major Live Feed Leak Reveals Evicted HouseGuest Plus New Head of Household Winner [VIDEO]
The Big Brother 16 house has been very busy on Monday as they taped a special eviction in addition to the new Head of Household competition and while the feeds were down for several hours, a five-minute leak on Tuesday revealed the results of what went down. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Caleb, Cody & Derrick Consider Completely Blindsiding Frankie; Plan Ahead For Final 4 [VIDEO]
As the 'Big Brother 16' houseguests prepare for another eviction, there is new talk of completely blindsiding the target. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed: Veto Competition Results Revealed As Frankie Regrets Pushing The Gold 'Rewind' Button [VIDEO]
The Big Brother Rewind twist on 'Big Brother 16' has really changed the dynamics of the game as one of the biggest threats in the game is set to be evicted next. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Frankie Proclaims He Is Victim To Most 'Horrific Betrayal Ever' As Veto Competition Awaits [VIDEO]
The biggest target in the 'Big Brother 16' house is already having a bit of a meltdown after only being nominated. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: HOH Competition Results Revealed; More Talk Of Targeting Frankie Assuming He Doesn't Win Veto [VIDEO]
A new Head of Household has been crowned in the 'Big Brother 16' house and it looks like the week won't play out exactly like the previous one, amid the Big Brother Rewind. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Izzy The Dog Enters House To Entertain Houseguests; Caleb Eats Treats On Dare [VIDEO]
Another houseguest has entered the 'Big Brother 16' house in order to spice things up, though this one needs a bit of care. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Frankie Worries He May Be Evicted Before Final 3 As Houseguests Still Unaware Of 'Rewind' Twist [VIDEO]
The current Head of Household in the 'Big Brother 16' house is worried that he might be the next target after he loses his power. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed: Jeff & Jordan Enter The House For Special Engagement Moment; Halt 'BB16' Game [VIDEO]
One of the most famous couples in 'Big Brother' history entered the 'BB16' house Friday and surprised the houseguests with a very special moment. -
'Big Brother 16' News: Frankie Quickly Becoming Most Hated Houseguest Of Season, Fans Want To 'Send Him Packing' [VIDEO]
It appears that Frankie Grande has become one of, if not the most hated contestant on 'Big Brother 16' this year, and fans want him out in Thursday's double eviction. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Frankie The Likely Candidate For 'Double Eviction' Victim; Betrayed By 'Detonators' Alliance [VIDEO]
It's possible that one of the most polarizing houseguests in the 'Big Brother 16' house could be headed out the door on Thursday. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Christine Becomes Potential Backup Plan For Eviction As Nicole Becomes 'Have-Not' Again [VIDEO]
It looks to be another relatively predictable week in the 'Big Brother 16' house after the results of the Head of Household competition. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Fans Overwhelmingly Vote 'No' To Frankie's 'Team America' Play; Many Unhappy About Mission [VIDEO]
Despite electing him to Team America, it seems that America has more or less turned on Frankie Grande on 'Big Brother 16.' -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Derrick & Frankie Consider Evicting Nicole Instead Of Donny On Live Feeds; Protecting 'Team America' [VIDEO]
It seems that the vote may be flipping in the 'Big Brother 16' house as two members of Team America discussed going in a different direction. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feeds: Caleb, Cody & Others Hear Fan Shout 'Frankie is the Saboteur,' Sending Paranoia Through House [VIDEO]
There was new talk Sunday of "backdooring" one of the strongest players in the 'Big Brother 16' house after an outside message planted an idea in the houseguests' heads. -
'Big Brother 16' Cast: Julie Chen Participates In ALS Ice Bucket Challenge Live On Air; Nominates All Houseguests [VIDEO]
The extent of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge has spread far and wide, but 'Big Brother' fans may not have expected the show's usually proper host to get in on it as well. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Donny Becomes New Target As Victoria Is Jealous Of Derrick Hanging Out With Christine [VIDEO]
With the houseguests largely in agreement on who to vote out Thursday night in the 'Big Brother 16' house, much of the talk has turned to who to target next week. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feeds: Zach Wants To Call Out Christine & Cody's Close Relationship Ahead Of Eviction Thursday [VIDEO]
The target for eviction on Thursday night's episode of 'Big Brother 16' remains the target, though that hasn't stopped him from campaigning to stay. -
'Big Brother 16' Spoilers: Victoria Cuts Zach's Pink Hat While Fans Express Their 'Hatred' & 'Disgust' For Caleb & Frankie [VIDEO]
There is a great deal of irony going on in the 'Big Brother 16' house with the opinion inside the compound compared to America's perception. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed Spoilers: Frankie Betrays Another Alliance Member In Monday's Veto Ceremony [VIDEO]
It seems like this is the end of the road for one faction of the 'Big Brother 16' fanbase after Monday's Veto Ceremony. -
'Big Brother 16' Live Feed Spoilers: Donny Becomes Next Target As Christine Is Forced To Throw 'Battle of the Block' [VIDEO]
The big alliance in the 'Big Brother 16' house remains in power as they prepare to target one of the most popular houseguests of the season.