Big Brother
Vanessa might be making a power move this week on 'Big Brother 17'. Despite a returning juror re-entering the Big Brother 17 house Thursday night, they may be able to survive the next eviction. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Who Will Be Voted Out In Thursday's Live Eviction, John Or Steve?
Either John or Steve will be evicted tonight, but will that evictee come back in the game? It looks like the Big Brother 17 houseguests have made a decision on who to evict tonight. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Vanessa Now Working With John As She Campaigns To Have Steve Evicted?
Vanessa is in a position of power yet again this week. The eviction target switched back and forth in the Big Brother 17 house on Tuesday, leaving Thursday up in the air. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Vanessa Viciously Confronts Steve After John Spills Key Information [VIDEO]
Watch Vanessa's fight with Steve from Monday morning. A big confrontation before the Veto ceremony led to a very tense day in the Big Brother 17 house. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Target Changes From John To James To Steve In Crazy Live Feed Sunday
Who will the houseguests settle on as the eviction target? The eviction target has switched so many times in the Big Brother 17 that even we don't know who will be voted out on Thursday. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Is Austin Too Afraid To Nominate Vanessa For Eviction?
Vanessa has once again managed to remain off the block. The new Big Brother 17 Head of Household has made his nominations for eviction, and some fans will not be happy with them. -
'Big Brother 17' Live Feeds: New Head of Household Crowned, Will Vanessa Finally Be Evicted Next Week?
Will the new HOH turn on his former ally? There's a new Head of Household in the Big Brother 17 house, but will he go through with a plan that almost everyone wants? John Focused On Targeting Vanessa Next On 'Big Brother 17' Head of Household: Austin Matelson Nominees: TBD Other houseguests: James Huling, John McGuire, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan, Meg Maley, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso Is 'Big Brother 17' Shaping Up To Be Better Than Season 15 & 16? The rest of the Head of Household competition played out on the live feeds Thursday night. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Are The Houseguests Having Doubts About Evicting Becky Instead Of John?
Who will go home in the live eviction, Becky or John? The target may be switching in the Big Brother 17 house, but the new discussions may not be serious. -
'Big Brother 17' Live Feeds: John Focused On Targeting Vanessa As Steve Deals With Personal Matter
John is ready to pull the trigger on Vanessa. While campaigning is all but nonexistent in the Big Brother 17 house, the decision on when to target Vanessa continues onward. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: How Long Will The Houseguests Keep Vanessa In The Game?
Vanessa may outlast everybody if the other houseguests are so afraid to target her. Game talk has died down in the Big Brother 17 house but one player is still on everybody's mind going forward. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Becky Becomes Eviction Target As Vanessa Gets Lost In Paranoia
Becky is being targeted while Vanessa becomes house pariah. With the target for eviction pretty much set in the Big Brother 17 house, talk has turned to future weeks. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Becky & John Become Eviction Targets, Though Everyone Is Catching On To Vanessa
Vanessa has been exposed, but why isn't she being targeted to go home? Everyone is onto one Big Brother houseguest's schemes, though she is still somehow not the target for eviction this week. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: New Head of Household Revealed As Vanessa Makes Even More Deals
The game of 'Big Brother 17' continues with Vanessa asserting her influence on the house. The Big Brother 17 Double Eviction last night completely backfired on the After Dark Crew. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Shelli Finally Starts Campaigning, Did She Get Through To Jackie, James & Meg?
It might be the end of the road for Shelli on 'Big Brother 17'. The new target in the Big Brother 17 house has finally started to campaign to stay, but it might be too late. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Jackie, James & Meg Lying To Becky About Evicting Vanessa, Alliances Shift
Alliances are changing in the 'Big Brother 17' house. In the matter of two days, the Big Brother 17 house has completely flipped. How did that happen? Jackie, James & Meg Hoping To Flip The Vote on 'Big Brother'? Head of Household: Becky Burgess Nominees: Shelli Poole and Vanessa Rousso Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, Jackie Ibarra, James Huling, John McGuire, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan, Meg Maley and Steve Moses John Secures New Deal With Shelli & Steve On 'Big Brother' Despite almost everyone in the house agreeing to send Vanessa out the door on Thursday, it's looking more and more like she's about to stay. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Jackie, James & Meg Hoping To Flip The Vote And Save Vanessa Instead?
The plot thickens as Jackie, James and Meg plot a new plan for Thursday's eviction. One alliance may be hoping to flip the vote in the upcoming Big Brother 17 eviction. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Houseguests Set On Completely Blindsiding Vanessa Going Into Veto Ceremony
The 'Big Brother 17' houseguests are planning the biggest blindside of the season. Everyone in the Big Brother 17 house is still on board with the plan to blindside the biggest player left in the game. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: John Secures New Deal With Shelli & Steve, Vanessa Still The Target
The gameplay continues to evolve in the 'Big Brother 17' house. Several Big Brother 17 houseguests intend on throwing the Power of Veto competition to get out a big target. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: New Head Of Household Sets Her Sights On Vanessa As Backdoor Target
A 'floater' is the new HOH on 'Big Brother 17' but she is ready to make what may be the biggest move of the game yet. -
'Big Brother 17' Live Feeds: Will Vanessa Secure The Votes To Evict Clay & Upset James' Plan?
Vanessa is looking to go against James' plan on 'Big Brother 17'. The Big Brother 17 houseguests may have finally made their decision on who to send home at this week's eviction. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Jackie Catching On To Vanessa's Schemes, Is She The Next Target?
The gameplay is just becoming more complex on 'Big Brother 17'. While one Big Brother 17 house is clearly manipulating people more than all others, another houseguest is catching on to her.