Big Brother
Liz. Steve. Vanessa. Who will win 'Big Brother 17'? There's only one day left until the finale of Big Brother 17, so who do you think will win the season? 'Big Brother 17' Houseguest Vanessa Has Essentially Confirmed Her Final 2 Plan Final 3 houseguests: Liz Nolan, Steve Moses and Vanessa Rousso With Vanessa winning Part 1 of the HOH competition and Steve winning Part 2, they will face off on Wednesday in Part 3, which will determine the final HOH of the summer. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Vanessa Essentially Confirms Her Final 2 Plan, Who Would She Bring?
Vanessa seems to have made her choice for who she would evict if she won the final HOH. After 98 days of Big Brother 17 it's all going to come down to a guessing game. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Part 2 HOH Winner Revealed, Does Liz Have Guaranteed Final 2 Slot?
We now know who will be facing each other for HOH in the 'Big Brother 17' finale. Part 2 of the final HOH competition was played Friday in the Big Brother 17 house, revealing who will be facing off in Part 3 in the finale. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Who Would Vanessa Want In The Final 2 With Her, Liz Or Steve?
Would Vanessa backstab Steve and take Liz to the end? Now that we've gotten down to the Final 3 on Big Brother 17, we can begin speculating on Final 2 configurations and who might win the $500,000 prize. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Part 1 HOH Winner Revealed, Vanessa Makes Deals With Liz & Steve
The final week in the 'Big Brother 17' house begins. The Final 3 houseguests in the Big Brother 17 house competed in the first part of the final HOH competition Wednesday night and it was a doozy. -
'Big Brother 17' Live Feeds: Steve Breaks Down Over Veto Competition Decision, Is He Screwed?
It ain't easy being Steve. After Tuesday's wild eviction on Big Brother 17, the remaining houseguests competed in their final Veto competition of the summer, and we now know who won. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Who Will Win This Season, Austin, John, Liz, Steve Or Vanessa? [POLL]
Which houseguest has the best chance of winning season 17? With the end of Big Brother 17 in sight, which houseguest has the best shot of getting to the end and winning the $500,000 prize? Are Vanessa & John Getting Ready To Blindside Austin On The Next 'Big Brother' Eviction? There are only five houseguests left in the Big Brother house, which will be down to four by the end of tonight, and three by the end of tomorrow night. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Are Vanessa & John Getting Ready To Blindside Austin In Next Eviction?
We are now heading into the most important 'Big Brother' eviction yet. We may be heading into our first official blindside of Big Brother 17! John Proposes Final 3 Deal To Austin & Liz on 'Big Brother' Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso Nominees: Austin Matelson and Steve Moses Other houseguests: John McGuire and Liz Nolan Steve Proposes New Deal To Liz on 'Big Brother 17' John won the Power of Veto on Saturday, allowing him to remove himself from the block. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: John Proposes Final 3 Deal To Austin & Liz, Will They Agree To It?
John is making a big move in the 'Big Brother' house, but will he be successful with it? The Big Brother 17 live feeds were down for several hours on Friday, but it seems that very few things have changed in the house. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Vanessa Now Wanting To Get Out John & Protect Austin And Liz?
It looks like Vanessa wants to bring a "showmance" to the Final 4. There's a new Head of Household in the Big Brother house, and it's sure to be another crazy, paranoid week. -
'Big Brother 17' Live Feeds: Steve Proposes New Deal To Liz, Will She Honor It Or Is He Next To Go?
Steve may be in trouble of going home next week on 'Big Brother 17'. Plans have not changed in the Big Brother 17 house as far as who's being evicted, but there's still some wheeling and dealing going on. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Vanessa Forms New Plan To Keep Liz, Will This Be Her Undoing?
Is Vanessa's new plan a smart one or a sloppy one? The mastermind of the Big Brother 17 house may finally be losing her power. Will Vanessa Finally Get Caught For Playing Both Sides Of The 'Big Brother' House? Head of Household: Steve Moses Nominees: Julia Nolan and Liz Nolan Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, John McGuire and Vanessa Rousso The Tide May Be Turning In The 'Big Brother 17' House Austin, Liz and Julia have decided to flip the script this week and agreed that Julia should be evicted instead of Liz. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Will Vanessa Finally Get Caught For Playing Both Sides Of The House?
Vanessa may be in trouble heading into next week. The Austwins will officially be split up this week on Big Brother 17, so who is the next target going to be? Liz Melts Down After 'Big Brother' Nomination Ceremony Head of Household: Steve Moses Nominees: Julia Nolan and Liz Nolan Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, John McGuire and Vanessa Rousso The Tide May Be Turning In The 'Big Brother 17' House Steve followed through on his plan Monday to nominate Julia after Austin won the Power of Veto. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Will Steve Nominate Julia In Monday's Veto Meeting?
Steve looks to be finishing the job on Monday in the 'Big Brother' house. It's been a tumultuous weekend in the Big Brother 17 house, and the Head of Household has been a bundle of nerves throughout. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Liz Melts Down After Nomination Ceremony, Will The 'Showmance' Be Broken Up?
The new Head of Household has made the move of nominating the biggest couple of the season. The biggest "showmance" of the season has finally been nominated in the Big Brother 17 house. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: New Head of Household Revealed, Will 'Austwins' Finally Be Split Up?
The tide may be turning in the 'Big Brother 17' house. We have a new HOH in the Big Brother house, one who may finally break up the most powerful alliance in the game. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Are Steve & John Flipping The Vote Or Is Meg Still Being Evicted?
Who will be evicted tonight, Meg or Julia? Surprisingly, the vote heading into Thursday's eviction on Big Brother 17 is still up in the air. Will James & Meg Be Able To Flip The 'Big Brother' House? Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso Nominees: Julia Nolan and Meg Maley Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, James Huling, John McGuire, Liz Nolan and Steve Moses James, John & Meg Hear Shouter Outside The 'Big Brother' House, Possibly Game-Changing? Wednesday was a particularly active day in the Big Brother house. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: James, John & Meg Hear Shouter Outside The House, Will Eviction Target Flip?
Is there still hope for Meg to stay in the 'Big Brother' house? The intended target for eviction in the Big Brother 17 house this week is not giving up just yet. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Will James & Meg Be Able To Flip The House By Thursday's Eviction?
It's not looking good for Meg's residency in the 'Big Brother 17' house. It was a relatively quiet day Monday in the Big Brother 17 house, but one nominee isn't completely giving up on campaigning. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Meg Campaigns For Herself, Will Vanessa Change Her Mind?
Meg is in danger of being evicted unless she really fights to save herself. The Veto competition could not have gone worse for the HOH in the Big Brother 17 house, but she has a backup plan. -
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Meg Has Meltdown On Friday As Vanessa Reconsiders Alliance With 'Austwins'
Vanessa made her two nominations, and neither of them are very happy with her. The new HOH in the Big Brother 17 house has made her nominations. Vanessa Viciously Confronts Steve On 'Big Brother' Head of Household: Vanessa Rousso Nominees: James Huling and Meg Maley Other houseguests: Austin Matelson, John McGuire, Julia Nolan, Liz Nolan and Steve Moses Could Vanessa Be Making A Power Move On 'Big Brother' This Week? Vanessa chose to nominate James and Meg for eviction.